Where I get to blow my own horn and it's all about me and what I think.
What in the Hell Were They Thinking!?
Published on June 4, 2004 By tammihawk In Pet Care
I'll give you the warning now that this article has to do with animials or humans private parts. It's not as nasty as it first may sound, I think it's quite funny. My hairdresser, of all people, told me about this new surgical procedure that vets are performing on dogs. I think it's also able to be used on cats and, after researching the topic on the internet, found it's able to be performed on men as well. So what are neuticles? They are fake testicles! I'm not making this up, as funny as it may sound. One purpose for creating this procedure was men feeling bad about getting their dogs neutered. They wanted their dogs to still feel as though they had something between their legs and still had something to lick. So, when the vet goes in, they make a cut in the fur, popl out the testicles, replace them with the neuticles, and then sew them back up. Now the pet handler can feel better know there is something between the pooches legs to lick, and they still look real. Personally, I know animals have feelings, but I don't think they really know exactly what's going on. I don't think they feel less "doggy" because they don't have these things anymore. If the owner is the one that is so upset about it, then they need to get it for themselves if they have the operation done. I just don't see how a dog becoming neutered can make a man feel less like a "man", it's not their testicles that are going away. If it makes them more comfortable, I guess, then go with it. Never will I be able to understand the meaning behind this other than money. It's a money generating item, and I'm all for someone creating something and making a profit off of it. One of my only concerns regarding this procedure is the problems women have had with breast implants leaking causing an infection. I just hope this doesn't happen to the poor dogs, who doesn't have any voice in deciding to take this step. I guess before you decide to do this for Fido, you should ask him for his opinion.......one bark = no.......two barks = yes.
on Jun 04, 2004
I'm with you, I don't think the animals notice or care. One of my dogs is neutered, but it doesn't stop him from trying to mount things on occasion.